Monday, November 22, 2010

How is this

Saturday, July 17, 2010

at 16:00 in Korea July 12, 2010...

A public bathroom has a fish pond...

at 16:00 in Korea July 11, 2010...

The Yellow sea is not yellow at all...

at 16:00 in Korea July 10, 2010...

People stop for a bit to eat at a Korean rest stop... 

(C'mon America when will you serve ramen in your rest stops?)

Friday, July 16, 2010

at 16:00 in Korea July 9, 2010...

Right day, wrong time, oh well...  Check out Nanta they rock...

at 16:00 in Korea July 8, 2010...

The Everland faeries are about to splash the common worlders...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

at 16:00 in Korea July 7, 2010...

There are meaningless apostrophes...