Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hiyoung says...

It was very beautiful.

I am so proud of my home where is placed in this place.

Many young people tried to say Eric "Hello," " Hi" in English.

It was funny but nice.

It is just the first day...

We are having fun now..YEAH!!!!


  1. Yes! Great to hear that you are over there. 1600 Hours In Korea sounds like a really ambitious project.

    I can't wait to hear about all the new sights and sounds and smells.

    Try everything.

    Do they eat anything that moves?

    My buddy Rob went to Japan and they served him a live crustacean in a restaurant.

    Have a great time. Make sure to remind me about your posts in FB. Or friend me in BUZZ -- then I would get reminded too.

    Stay safe. I know that politically things are heating up. But at least you're as far from our oil spill as you can get.

  2. Yes they eat live octopus over here... or recently alive they kill it quickly and eat it while they are still moving.


  3. Watch at your own risk...
